Amongst a straw poll of female friends, not done in any scientific manner, Malcolm has the "X-Factor"
I would expect over the coming weeks we will see a further erosion in the Liberal Party position and especially in the support for Tony Abbott. There will be a strong swing to Malcolm Turnbull as preferred leader of the opposition and more importantly as preferred PM. The polling, I would suggest, will show that Malcolm could win. Whether this is actually how it is reported, published and how opinion is made in the MSM is another matter.
I talk politics with people on a daily basis and even the most staunch of Liberal supports that I have spoken to, really struggle with the idea of an Abbott led government. The fact is that Abbott is disliked especially amongst women and younger voters.
This dislike is of Abbott's own making. He is a very divisive individual as Rob Oakeshott said in his valedictory speech-:
''The fringe has invaded the middle. It's got to be put back on the fringe,'' he said.
''I have been shocked, frankly, over the last three years, to meet ugly Australia and just to see the width and depth of ugly Australia.''
While Oakeshott didn't say it outright. Tony Abbott is the face of ugly Australia. Tony Abbott has been a nasty and spiteful politician, his negative 3 word slogans are not policy no matter how they try and spin it. He has shown a very disturbing element of what Australia could become and I have to say it scares the hell out of me. And I know for a fact it scares a lot of people in the general public.
All you have to do is look at who are his major supporters in the Media and it is a who's who of the right.
If an Abbott led government gets in, we are in for a period of austerity and also a step back in time. Back to the days of racist and sexist policy not nearly as bad has having say Pauline Hanson but it would be pretty damn close.
John McTernan served as Julia Gillard’s head of Communications from 2011, having previously worked as a senior adviser to Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and Harriet Harman. In an
article in the Telegrath he discusses the fact that Australia is so far behind the UK in the area of sexism and racist remarks in the public domain.
What is needed is for the debate to be brought up from the gutter. For politicians to return to a level of respect for the office that they hold. But more importantly to a level of respect that truly reflects the standards that are being set by mainstream Australia.
From what I have seen of Turnbull, he is a decent and respectful person who does not go to the gutter to get his message across. I am a Labor voter but if I was to turn it would be for a character like Malcolm.
Don't stress folks I won't be turning any time soon.
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