Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Is Julia Gillard wrong to use the Gender Argument

 Abortion debate is valid when you consider history.

Julia Gillard's comments yesterday that women will be "banished" from politics and abortion will be "the political plaything of men" if the Opposition wins the election actually has some validity if you consider the history of the debate and also take into consideration the arguments and statements that she has made during the now famous "Misogynist Speech".

Tony Abbott as a Catholic is against abortion. This is a fact that he will not step away from, he has a strong personal opinion on the abortion debate calling it "the easy way out" and "morally black and white".  To be fair in the last election he did do a 180 degree turnaround (something that he calls a lie when Jullia Gillard does it) and said rather than reverse the decision on RU486 he would take advise from the Health department on the issue. This was after he refused to support the drug being allowed when he was health minister.

See Michelle Grattan's blog here theconversation 

A story before the 2007 election from the SMH

This was during an election campaign where he was not the leader of the opposition and the coalition was not in a position where they would easily win the election. 

For Julia Bishop to call for an apology is just playing politics, no different to Julia utilising everything in her arsenal to get every vote that she can achieve. 

It is no surprise that a bloke Stephen Jones a labor backbench-er who is a Rudd supporter has called the comments a surprise I think if you talk to women about the issue it is right up there in the list of issues that they find important as far as their life decisions are concerned. Not sure as I am a bloke but the women I know would consider the ability to have control over their own bodies as being very important. 

The fact is that the last time the coalition got control of the upper and lower house they went on a program to implement all of the radical and right wing ideological legislation that they could get through the parliament. The only thing that stopped them was the change of government after a stinging backlash from "Howards Battlers"  Why would this not be the case if they are given the power after the election.

The fact is that outside of the main stream media the Misogynist speech rang a bell with the Australian public and commentators in the media got it completely wrong calling it a miss calculation and error in judgement making such an attack,  the truth is that it has 2,344,347 hits on you tube, so there must be a voice for the arguments she is putting forward to the Australian people.

I think the main stream media has got it wrong again and don't realise that there is a real voice crying out to be heard and supported from the women in Australia.

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